Anaesthetic Considerations in Hypertensive Disorders
Important areas to consider:
For all: ensure recent bloods done to review haematology, within 6hrs for pre-eclamptics.
In labour - recommend early epidural to aid control of BP, typically peaks of hypertension seen with both contractions and pushing.
For elective, and emergency caesarians with no epidural, regional anaesthesia is far preferable.
BP control intra-operatively
avoid intubation (oedmatous airways, hypertensive surge at both intubation and extubation)
allows neurology to be monitored
frequently associated with IUGR babies, or may be premature IOL or decision for LSCS, where GA for baby ideally avoided
continue magnesium maintenance infusion in theatre
Where GA is unavoidable, stability of BP should be the aim prior to LSCS
intravenous antihypertensives
loading with magnesium
2nd anaesthetist
induction should include rapid onset opioid such as alfentanil
in the high risk, consider arterial line
For all careful consideration regarding uterotonics and fluid balance is vital.