Wessex Obstetric Anaesthesia Day in the Simulator (WOADS)
We are pleased to be able to run the Wessex Obstetric Anaesthesia Day in the Simulator (WOADS) course
When: Tuesday 8th October 2024
Where: The TEAMS centre simulation suite, QUAD building, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth.
Who: Priority given to ST5 & post-final ST4 anaesthetic trainees although open to ST3 to ST7
The course will provide the opportunity to manage obstetric anaesthetic emergencies within the simulator and will cover technical and non-technical skills.
Workplace based assessments can be completed and it can contribute to obstetric anaesthesia training sign-offs.
We have received extremely positive feedback from our previous courses including:
"Best sim course I have been to in a long time"
"Fabulous course"
"Useful and thought provoking course"
"Great range of scenarios"
"Lots of challenging scenarios"
"Good range of scenarios that pushed us and added a level of complexity above other simulation courses"
"Excellent and realistic scenarios"
"Good course for those taking on a senior registrar/supervising role"
"A great course with a huge amount to reflect about my own practice"
"Excellent practice at obstetric emergencies"
"Excellent range of faculty - Obstetricians, ODPs, Midwives, ICU, Anaesthetics"
"Really useful having multi-disciplinary team on course and excellent faculty"
"Debriefs more thorough than other courses - good thing!; Good length discussions- not hurried (like some courses)"
"Really good step by step feedback with discussion of learning points really helped"
"Very supportive and well-informed faculty"
"Enthusiastic trainers"
"Really great environment to learn in"
If you would like to attend please complete the attached booking form and e-mail it to WOADScourse@gmail.com